Tag Table Service

Photo Gallery: Animal, Emily Lockett – 11/09/2021

Wonderful music from two talented acts on Saturday night. This is the last of the acoustic events that One Zero Presents has planned at present, and we’re now moving indoors for some heavier action! It’s been a blast having the… Continue Reading →

Photo Gallery: Vona Vella, Charity Stow, Emily Carr, Craig Gould – 14/08/2021

Last Saturday was a wonderfully intimate evening of wonderful performances and a very appreciative audience! The power behind Craig Gould’s voice is immense, followed by the softness of Emily Carr. Charity Stow and band then took the stage before Vona… Continue Reading →

Gig Announcement: 11th September 2021 – Emily Lockett, Animal, Charlotte Bettson at Dubrek Studios Beer Garden

Another awesome gig in the Dubrek Studios beer garden – Emily Lockett, Animal and Charlotte Bettson. A mixture of established local country, indie rock and acoustic pop, all bringing their sound down to an acoustic level for a wonderfully intimate… Continue Reading →

Photo Gallery: Mayshe-Mayshe, Echo Stranger, Vice Vera, Jess Breame – 24/07/2021

A wonderfully intimate night of amazing original music this Saturday – Jess Breame woke everybody up and showcased her imminent new single which you should all follow up, Vice Vera played one of the most powerful sets we’ve had in… Continue Reading →

Photo Gallery: Luke Wall, Kelsey and the Embers, Wilted Flower, Mysterious Blues – 17/07/2021

Crikey! Temperatures were soaring for this one, into the low thirties! But we still managed to sell every ticket for another packed night (in part thanks to the Nottingham Gig Buddies group who booked three tables worth of seats! Fantastic… Continue Reading →

Photo Gallery: Floodhounds, Unlucky Strike, Soph Jones – 10/07/2021

The rain most definitely didn’t stop us enjoying ourselves, even if the timings were moved forward to accomodate the kickyball! Heavy downpours, but no floods! Lightning, but no strikes! Thunder, but… nope, can’t work out a bad pun using Soph’s… Continue Reading →

Gig Announcement: 17th July 2021 – Luke Wall, Kelsey and the Embers, Wilted Flower, Mysterious Blues

Two weeks to go until this gig takes places, so grab your tickets quick! We have Luke Wall, Kelsey and the Embers, Wilted Flower and Mysterious Blues! Doors are at 17:30, music from 18:30, curfew 23:00. Tickets on sale until… Continue Reading →

Photo Gallery: Scribble Victory, The Fine Art Society, Ben Mark Smith, Callum Kerrigan, Inside Information – 19/06/2021

The third of our rescheduled gigs from November/March, this was another sold out banger. It was great chatting to so many musicians and audience members at their first gig/performance of the year and its lovely to receive such positive feedback… Continue Reading →

Photo Gallery: The Howling Tides, Philharmonics, Feritt, Mandibles – 12/06/2021

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear meeee, Happy Birthday to me! This gig was one of the many rescheduled gigs from November last year (re-rescheduled to March, then June) and was put together with an… Continue Reading →

Gig Announcement: 24th July 2021 – Mayshe-Mayshe, R.Loomes, Echo Stranger, Vice Vera, Jess Breame

Tickets are available here. Heading into ‘Summer-proper’ and we have a fabulous line-up for you running to the end of July. Five solo artists, all with their own angle and take on life and music that are not to be… Continue Reading →

Gig Announcement: Live Events are back from May 22nd

The lockdown restrictions look as if they will be easing, hopefully, according to the schedule laid out by the government. As such we have a fair few events on the horizon from DJs to gigs and thus far all are… Continue Reading →

Gig Announcement: November 2020 Gigs Rescheduled to March 2021

With the second lockdown in place we’ve rescheduled all of our November events. Two have moved wholesale across to new March dates, whilst a third has been split into two and will be built up further with more support acts!… Continue Reading →

Photo Gallery: Michael Hardy, Paris Alexander, Emily J Crane – 24/10/2020

An absolutely lovely night last night, super chilled out and the addition of Mulled Wine and Baileys Hot Chocolates were welcome warmers! Many thanks to everyone who came down once again who enjoyed Emily J Crane‘s amazing opening set (what… Continue Reading →

Gig Announcement: 14th November 2020 – Scribble Victory, The Fine Art Society, Ben Mark Smith, Callum Kerrigan, Inside Information

On the home straight as we head through November, this line up has already sold over a third of its available tickets, so get in quick! If we’re honest, we think tickets are selling so well because of the absolute… Continue Reading →

Gig Announcement: 24th October 2020 – Kelsey and the Embers, Michael Hardy, Paris Alexander, Emily J Crane

Update 18/10/2020: Good Hustles have had to withdraw from the line-up, we hope to have them back in the new year. We’re pleased to announce that we have a night of new music ahead of us on the 24th October… Continue Reading →

Event – Pubrec! With Psychic Dancehall of Bloop – 10th October 2020

Psychic Dancehall is back in the Dubrek Beer Garden ready to be challenged by your requests of obscurity and to open your eyes to a wealth of music you should totally have heard of by now but haven’t! Come join… Continue Reading →

Gig Announcement: 17th October 2020 – Emzae, Emily Carr, Eam, Elocin, Tom Clarke

Another corker lined up at Dubrek Studios beer garden on the 17th, and tickets are available in advance already! On her debut headline gig, Emzae will be bringing us her amazing electro and acoustic sounds, supported by the exceptionally talented… Continue Reading →

Photo Gallery: The Weasel Kickers, Dr Bastard’s Singing Club, Feritt – 26/09/2020

There are plenty of words to describe last night, but we daren’t use any of them for fear of fully remembering everything! Thank you to Feritt, Dr Bastard’s Singing Club (with less Dred than advertised) and The Weasel Kickers for… Continue Reading →

Photo Gallery: No Setting Sun, George Gadd, Charity Stow – 19/09/2020

Last night’s gig was absolutely wonderful. A naturally positive atmosphere with tons of new faces to the studio’s Beer Garden, and returning friends who have been stunned by what we’ve done out there to allow live music to continue. We’re… Continue Reading →

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