This weekend of music kicked off a day early with a Thursday night gig featuring Glitchers, headlining on the second leg of their winter tour. In support were pop-punkers Blood Stained Reputation, melodic punk from Our Souls and opening were… Continue Reading →
Another wonderful night of music for us at One Zero Presents. We were proud to host Mayshe-Mayshe on her album tour in support of Indigo which was released a few days ago. It was a beautiful evening with a great… Continue Reading →
Craig Gould is planning to release his debut album in 2022. September 15th marks the release of his first single from that endeavour in the form of Ain’t No Place To Hide, a wonderfully full and rhythmic track, underpinned by… Continue Reading →
Umbilica released their album ‘Where the Land Meets the Ocean’ in September 2019 with an ace performance at Dubrek Studios where Jo Lewis performed wonderfully in the intimate setting, complete with full audience performing backing vocals and harmonies on ‘Easy’… Continue Reading →
Them Are They have just surreptitiously dropped their new album this weekend and it’s a wonderful pay off to a hell of a long wait, given the band have been around for a couple of years now and had only… Continue Reading →
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