As the world gets curiouser and curiouser, we’re carrying on, consistently bringing you chilled outdoor gigs under a mahoosive gazebo – and One Zero Presents… will carry on doing this all the way through to the end of August at… Continue Reading →
It’s quite inconceivable that the last gig before this was seven months ago, but it was! Madness! With Eddie & The Wolves having to step down as a precaution, Ayesha stepped up and opened the night, followed by Emily J… Continue Reading →
The lockdown restrictions look as if they will be easing, hopefully, according to the schedule laid out by the government. As such we have a fair few events on the horizon from DJs to gigs and thus far all are… Continue Reading →
With the second lockdown in place we’ve rescheduled all of our November events. Two have moved wholesale across to new March dates, whilst a third has been split into two and will be built up further with more support acts!… Continue Reading →
Matt Peach, Floodhounds, Cucamaras and Benjamin Martin in the Dubrek Studios Beer Garden – socially distanced gig with table service! Tickets are £5 + fee in advance, £6 on the door. Advance ticket sales stop at 11pm the night before… Continue Reading →
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