With our 2020: One Zero Presents… Artists Playlist on Spotify we realised that many of the new up and coming musicians are yet to take the leap across, but they have had the smarts to establish themselves on Bandcamp! Here’s… Continue Reading →
A funny old year, but we’ve still managed to bring waves of new, live and local music to the people of Derby via the One Zero Presents gigs. We’ve compiled another playlist full of musicians and bands that are on… Continue Reading →
A wonderful night of new music and young talent last night, and a full house sell out to boot, which is great! Opening was Tom Clarke who warmed us up with some popular rock covers, followed closely by Elocin whose… Continue Reading →
Another corker lined up at Dubrek Studios beer garden on the 17th, and tickets are available in advance already! On her debut headline gig, Emzae will be bringing us her amazing electro and acoustic sounds, supported by the exceptionally talented… Continue Reading →
Emzae, one of our favourite local artists, is releasing a new single tomorrow on the 7th February, and we were lucky enough to hear it ahead of release. The track immediate grabs your attention with driven, dirty drums in a… Continue Reading →
Over the year we’ve been keeping a running playlist of artists and bands that have performed for us at One Zero Presents. This is our official list of artists that we’ve managed to hunt down on Spotify. We give you… Continue Reading →
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